You are Welcome and Wanted

At LifeHouse, we aim to assist you in discovering and connecting with the various opportunities and resources available. Whether you're seeking personal growth, looking for ways to get involved, or simply wanting to go deeper in your faith - we have something for everyone.

Starting point

This Is Where It All Begins

If you're new to LifeHouse or simply want to learn more about who we are and how to get plugged in, Starting Point is the perfect place for you. It's a welcoming space dedicated to helping you discover the heart of our community, ask questions, and find out how you can take your next steps.

A Community That Cares

We believe that true growth happens in community. That's why we offer multiple avenues for connection. Join one of our LifeGroups where you can build meaningful relationships and grow together. Engage in serving opportunities that allow you to make a gospel impact on the lives of others.

Ready to become a Partner?

Interested in Serving in Connections?

At LifeHouse Church, we believe in serving others because Christ first served us. Our mission is to be a community known for our sacrificial service and love for one another.

Join us in various serving opportunities that align with our mission statement: Serve others in His name and for His Glory. Whether it's through volunteering on Sunday mornings, outreach programs, or community events, there's a place for you to make a meaningful impact.

For More Information